You have spent years building up your businesses, and yet it can take only a few seconds to fall into financial hardship. The death or disability of a business owner can have a devastating effect on the finances of a business. Business loans may be recalled, or business revenue may fall. We can provide you with an end-to-end solution for your business risk needs, just a few examples are:

  • Business Contingency cover, also known as loan protection or suretyship cover, essentially allows a business the option to offset future contingent liabilities, while releasing the Life Covered/guarantor’s estate from any personal liability.
  • Keyperson cover is designed to compensate the business for the loss that the employer would suffer in the event of the employee’s death or disability. Proceeds received are used by the employer to absorb disruptions to the business, protect existing credit facilities and provide the funds needed to recruit and train a suitable replacement.
  • Buy and Sell cover or partnership cover ensures the continuity of the business on the death or permanent disability of one or more co-owners. The buy and sell cover provides proceeds to facilitate the purchase of the deceased’s interest in the business.

Business Overheads Replacer cover ensures that the business overheads are paid for when the business owner becomes temporarily disabled.